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Faith Makes Your Life Ethical and Wise

Islam has a very strong ethical perspective, teaching us to live in every situation with great vision and understanding. Here, we bring you ways faith can make your life ethical and wise!

Live Sessions

Single Parenting after Death of a Spouse

I have been a widow now for just over a year. I am still finding it difficult to adjust to being alone and taking care of my children. Help!

3 Best Times For Asking God’s Forgiveness

This is an important time to beseech Allah for forgiveness. In doing so, we can compensate for the shortcomings in our worship. It also keeps us from becoming conceited and self-satisfied with the worship that we do.

The Four Stories of Surah Al Kahf

We need to very aware of Surah Al Kahf, as it’s very important to know this story. Part of the main features of the Surah is that it talks about four interesting and inspiring stories. This video brings to you a brief summary of these four stories.